Joshua Liner Gallery is pleased to present Riusuke Fukahori’s third and largest solo exhibition with the gallery, Goldfish Blossoms.The exhibition highlights Fukahori’s signature acrylic and resin paintings of goldfish swimming inside Japanese household objects and handmade vessels in both perfect realism and abstracted ways.
Feb 27, 2012 I thought this was pretty cool, and would be interesting to the casters on this forum: "Goldfish Salvation" Riusuke Fukahori on Vimeo Watch Riusuke Fukahori (Japanese, b.1973) has been labeled the "goldfish artist" for his resin-based, three-dimensional studies of Japanese goldfish. Born in Aichi, Fukahori attended the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music. Riusuke Fukahori, best known for his resin-based studies of Japanese goldfish, is a resin artist, or a goldfish artist, as he claims: “I am not a resin artist. I am a goldfish artist”, was born in Japan, 1973. Riusuke Fukahori is known best for his resin-based studies of Japanese goldfish; “I am not a resin artist. I am a goldfish artist,” he has said. Fukahori alternates between pouring resin into a vessel and painting goldfish with acrylic paint, giving the resulting work a three-dimensional optical effect.
2017/10/20 - 深堀隆介 - Riusuke Fukahori • • Den unika tekniken av Riusuke Fukahori målare som målar guldfisk i genomskinligt resin med poäng för att se 3D och levande. Artist creates 3D artwork by painting goldfish on multiple resin layers, Aichi, Japan - Jan 2012 Stockbild från Riusuke Fukahori för redaktionell användning, Jan
美渦 "Muses" Sushi-basin, casting resin, acrylic paint Artist: Riusuke Fukahori 深堀隆介 Curator: Hisami Omori Gallery: ICN Gallery London [map] Exhibition title:
3d Resin Art 3d Painting In Resin Fish Resin Painting 3d Animals Painted In Layers Of Resin By Keng Lye Resin Painting Riusuke Fukahori 3d Goldfish Painting
Riusuke Fukahori 深堀隆介 - Goldfish Salvation at ICN. A set /
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Apr 11, 2013 The art of calligraphy finds a new voice with a broom in the hands of Riusuke Fukahori. His work is extraordinary, not only the large calligraphic
London: The East India Company, the world's finest gourmet foods and beverages' company, has collaborated with The National Gallery to launch an evocative
Nov 19, 2015 [Image: Riusuke Fukahori "Kingyo Sukui (The Ark)" (detail) (2015) acrylic, epoxy resin, wood, net, and metal, 39 x 70 x 30 in.] This event has
Nov 27, 2013 The whole show revolves around the goldfish, as Riusuke Fukahori is a goldfish fanatic. This has to do with a point in his life when he was
Nov 21, 2015 Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori paints three-dimensional goldfish using a complex process of poured resin. from ICN gallery. Riusuke Fukahori 深堀隆介 - Goldfish Salvation at ICN. A set / Venue : 93 - 95
Oct 15, 2015 Joshua Liner Gallery in New York will once again be exhibiting Riusuke Fukahori's work. Come see his newest exhibition Goldfish Salvation! He created this unique technique in 2002, and it took him eight years before he publicized it. Riusuke Fukahori Kingyo Sukui (The Ark) Wood, net, aluminum, epoxy resin, and acrylic paint 2015 73 x 75 x 38 inches Contact the gallery for pricing and availability. If you think it's too hard or impossible to be one hundred percent original, you should definitely take a closer look at Riusuke Fukahori - this Japanese artist is best known for his three-dimensional goldfish paintings created by pouring resin. His work is so inspirational, you will wish to try painting these fishes yourself! Subscribe · "Goldfish Salvation" Riusuke Fukahori 深堀隆介. Copy link. We’re talking about the 3 Dimensional Fish Paintings by Riusuke Fukahori. Riusuke is a Japanese artist who has created many 3D fish paintings through his project called Resin Works.What he does is create many layers for the painting by using resins. 2013-11-18
Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori, best known for her three-dimensional goldfish paintings in layers of poured resin (and one of our top 10 cutting-edge artists of the 21st century) is a gifted painter whether it's on a three- or two-dimensional platform.As part of his Goldfish Salvation exhibit at ICN gallery in London back in 2011, the artist performed his skilled process for creating a large
Goldfish Culture Riusuke FukahoriTediously painted, the Goldfish Culture paintings by Riusuke Fukahori take on a life of their own, representing a living sc
Riusuke Fukahori is a Japanese Asian Modern & Contemporary painter who was born in 1973. Their work was featured in several exhibitions at key galleries and museums, including the Joshua Liner Gallery.Riusuke Fukahori's work has been offered at auction multiple times, with realized prices ranging from $92 USD to $27,665 USD, depending on the size and medium of the artwork. Riusuke Fukahori. Related News Opening Reception for Goldfish Blossoms (December 18, 2018) Riusuke Fukahori Unveils New Life-Like Resin Artworks of Goldfish (December 15, 2018) Goldfish Blossoms opens at Joshua Liner Gallery (December 15, 2018) Fukahori Abstract Goldfish Swim Through Imitation Plastic Bags in Multi-Media Constructions (November
13 Dec 2018 — 19 Jan 2019 at the Joshua Liner Gallery in New York, United States
Riusuke Fukahori has long admired the appearance of goldfish, immortalizing realistic depictions of the small creature in layers of acrylic and resin.Previously Fukahori has focused on paintings of goldfish moving inside of Japanese household objects such as bamboo hats, …
Artist Riusuke Fukahori's London debut exhibition "Goldfish Salvation" was held at ICN gallery from 1 December 2011 - 11 January 2012. Portions of this promotional video of Riusuke Fukahori's process contains shots from a TV-CM for Japanese. Middle East..
Tack vare den enastående talang och överansträngning japanska Ryusuke Fukahori (Riusuke Fukahori) skapat en fantastisk serie volymetriska bilder som
Riusuke Fukahori Paints a Giant Goldfish with a Broom By Pinar Noorata on June 17, 2013 Japanese artist Riusuke Fukahori, best known for her three-dimensional goldfish paintings in layers of poured resin (and one of our top 10 cutting-edge artists of the 21st century ) is a gifted painter whether it's on a three- or two-dimensional platform.
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ebba andersson brorAfter graduating from Aichi Art University Department of Design in 1995, Riusuke Fukahori has pursued artwork full-time. In 2000, when his career reached a low point, he suddenly became fascinated by his goldfish—which despite being abandoned for seven years was still alive. The artist calls this incident "Goldfish Salvation."
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2013-09-25 · riusuke fukahori. Japanese contemporary artist riusuke fukahori makes his london debut with ‘goldfish salvation’, a collection of paintings and sculptures revolving around the often colourful freshwater fish.